Friday, December 11, 2009

Naim Fraim!

So these are my new projects. I'm still taking the pictures to get different letters and what not but I think this one turned out really well. I think it is going to be my nieces 2nd birthday present! If you are interested in buying one please contact me and I will work with you to get on as personalized as possible! Thanks!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Some days are just tougher than others....

Like today. Today is tough. Been married for a little over a month and STILL no job. It seems like everytime I get close it gets snatched away. Its frustrating. It makes it really really hard to be happy.

Monday, November 9, 2009

I Miss..

my family. Over the last two years I don't think I realized how attached I got to them. It seems silly to be 25 and STILL not realize and appreciate how much your family means to you but it's the truth. I love my family dearly...even my brother who when it comes to our relationship seems....emotionally stunted. lol. I know he loves me and I know he knows I love him and right now thats enough. I went home this past weekend for my birthday dinner. Mom cooked. My grandparents were there. My brothers family was there. It was wonderful. And then....I had to go "home". Don't get me wrong I love my husband and we have a beautiful apartment but it just doesn't feel like "home", to either one of us really. Its so strange when we go home because J and I tend to visibly relax, and then on the drive home we seem to go back into "city" mode. I miss my home. I miss my parents. I miss knowing that I can see my neice at the drop of a hat. I miss being called in for an emergency baby-sitter. The worst part's where we WANT to be. The stupid economy and job market make it impossible and it sucks. I hate it.

me and my daddy

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

You Capture: Free for All

So since I've been totattly busy I haven't participated in a You Capture for a while but since I know apparently have ALL THE SPARE TIME IN THE WORLD, I can partipate once again! YEAY! I do enjoy the challenges because they give me an outlet and make me happy reliving the memories that were captured in the photos. So here they are. And be sure to stop by I Should Be Folding Laundry and check out other "You Captures".

Little Miss Joslynn at her first parade

Sophie...what a character and yes...she is sitting IN the flower pot

I just need to take a moment... breathe. Having just got married things are supposed to be great and wonderful and couldn't be happier and I suppose for the most part I am. I married a wonderful man (in my opinion) and the marriage its self couldn't be better or happier. But not having a job is starting to take its toll. And I THINK its mainly me being down on myself thinking if I had done something different or better somehow that this would be easier. And while J would never be upset with me because I can't find a job, I can tell its taking its own toll on him. I'm thankful for the life I do have...its been pretty easy...granted I've seen things, and experianced things I wouldn't want my worst enemy to have to go through but thats life and we deal and we learn and we grow and we move on.

I suppose its unfair really for me to sit back and whine and complain and be like "its just not fair" boo-hoo....but its hard not to be that way. I really don't think I've done many "wrong" things in my life and for this one area to be causeing problems pretty

I could wake up every morning and count my blessings and tell my inner self to shut the heck up but its hard not to wake up thinking "whats gonna go wrong today" or "I'm never gonna find a job"

And really when it comes down too it, its not even a financial problem. I mean yes...its tight...and some bills might be delayed in payment and easing that is my main goal in trying to find a job, but if needed we could survive.

I'm really at a loss as what to do to tell the truth. I have options open to me yes...but none of them are good. Do I take a part-time seasonal job that I know will end the 2nd week of January and cause problems for spending time with the family? Do I pass on it and be on un-employment until I find a more satisfying and permanent job?

My mother-in-law, bless her, is trying to do us a "favor" by talking to her supervisor at work but I don't think I can work in a factory again. And saying that, I have to pause and think to myself...."am I just being picky, spoiled, and selfish?"

I believe part of my problem is, I'm talented, and I know it and I am NOT trying to toot my own horn, but I DO have an imagination that goes on for miles, and a creative streak the size of the grand canyon and its hard to go do a daily job where you have to curb both of those things, especially when it is such a huge part of who I am. Everytime I've had to go into a job and lose that part of myself, I feel like I start to slip away and become someone else entirely. It makes me sad to have to shut down a part of me that is so essentially me. I love creating. Nothing makes me happier than when I can go out and take pictures and then come home and scrapbook and then maybe I want to make some jewelry or maybe my mind is leaning towards writing one day.....and to lose that part of me, or shut it down to get through the just seems to make me sad.

I don't really know whats going to happen. I worry about it and I know J worries about it, but I really don't know what more I can do. I'm waiting to hear back from one job and while most people seem to think its a shoe-in something in me is saying..."this isn't going to happen this need to find something else." The thing is...I've tired everything else. I have my application in at what seems like 20 different places, I have a temp agency trying to find me a job, I have a part-time temp job that I have to decide if I am taking, but in the end nothing seems "right".

I'm 25 and I still don't know what I want to DO with my life. Everything I know I would be happy doing, and making a life from....they just simply aren't feasible options.

After such a depressing post I feel the need to leave a picture of one of the things that brings great joy to my life. Truth be told all in all I have a good life and I really should be content and my little neice helps remind me of that.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

One Day.....

When I am older and hopefully have a daughter about to be married I will look back and think about what the time before my own marriage was like. Two words will probably jump straight to my mind...Panic....and Attack! So I have less than 4 weeks to go right now... YEAY because I honestly can't wait to be married and DOUBLE YEAY because all this crap will be OVER! I'm glad I did things the way I did with my wedding but if I had to do all over again I would probably NOT do it the same way. I'm proud of the things my mother and I have made and am grateful for the time I've gotten to spend with her but somedays I wish I had just let someone else handle all the details. Really and truly I am ready for the wedding....its the whole "having to move two hours away and clean my apartment while trying to finish everything for the wedding and look for a new job all in less than four weeks" bit that has me quite flustrated!

It would be one thing if I could just pack EVERYTHING up and sort it out after I got moved.....but NOOOOO...things can't possibly be THAT easy! Instead I'm having to try to figure out how to get rid of a couch, a kitchen table, two bookshelves, a computer table, and exercise bike, a microwave, and other assorted things. You see I've lived in my apartment for the last 2 years and been "out of the house" for 6 almost 7 years so I've accumulated a lot of crap. I'm a hoarder...I admit it..... Then there is my fiance who has been "out of the house" for....mmm....10 years or so.....he's a hoarder.....can you see where this is leading?!

I've even gotten to the point where I just want to throw EVERYTHING (except for the pink tub full of momentos) away! Thankfully I only have four more days of work left and a busy weekendd and then the next week I only have a hair appointment before I can truly sit down and pack before running two hours away one day to unload crap at the new place and then I have a weekend of meeting with the preacher one last time and moving ABSOLUTELY everything that is left then three days of cleaning followed by a bachelorette party and the then its the week of the wedding and why did I think I had enough time for all of this!?

Thursday, August 13, 2009

You Capture: Motion

Ok so I admit I am really bad about getting rid of blurry pictures. A blur of ANY kind and its gone, so this challenge was particularly hard for me and then I remembered 'hey! motion could mean different things to different people, as well as look different.' So after having said that here are my pics. I did pull from my files as I'm swamped with things to do lately, but I promise to try harder next time! Don't forget to stop by 'I Should Be Folding Laundry' and check out other peoples views on 'motion'.